Denial Management & Fee Review

Denial Management

You might not know why a particular claim was denied. Maybe you aren’t even aware that it was denied. How long has it been out there, waiting for somebody to address the problem? Obviously, issues like these can result in lost revenue.
How ENGAGE can help
We’re skilled in managing claim denials. Our system tracks every denial and our staff follows up individually and immediately on each case. Of course, we keep you posted on any trends or issues we see.

Fee Reviews

You should be reviewing your fees every year to maximize profitability, but that’s easier said than done. How will you find the time to do the research needed to determine appropriate fees? You probably don’t have any established method of doing this. But if your fees are consistently below market levels, that’s money you’re losing—and this metric can also affect your contracts with payers.
How ENGAGE can help
We’ve put together a method of analyzing industry data that other companies may not be using. We review your fees each year and compare them with accepted market rates. By ensuring that you’re charging an appropriate amount for each procedure, we can capture more reimbursement and put you in a better position to negotiate with payers.
Get in touch with ENGAGE to schedule a free on-site presentation: